Saturday, 20 July 2024

The Edfu Texts and Atlantis

Flint Dibble: Let's look at the biggest mistake ever made by @Graham__Hancock that makes everything he's ever said look questionable
                drawing of the Ptolemaicperiod temple at Edfu              
The Edfu Texts

In Magicians of the Gods, on @JoeRogan, and other podcasts, Graham claims the Edfu texts are an Egyptian version of the Atlantis myth found in Plato. There are many problems with this conclusion that he doesn't share.
- They were carved over a century after Plato died. Plato died in 348 BCE. They were carved on a temple built in Egypt when Egypt was ruled by the Greek speaking Macedonian, Ptolemy III. Plato's philosophies were well-known in Egypt in 237 BCE when they were carved.

And always follow the footnotes and go to the library and see for yourself...

In Magicians of the Gods, Graham claims he is quoting from the Edfu texts, but the footnote is to Reymond 1969. The Mythical Origin of the Egyptian Temple by Eve Reymond - Read it here:… 
That's a problem because this book is not a translation of the Edfu Texts. It's a scholarly book about Egyptian temple religion that includes an analysis of the Edfu texts.  So Hancock isn't quoting the Edfu texts
But these quotes are even more misleading...  Graham creates long quotes from Reymond 1969 that seem to tell a story similar to Atlantis...
But LOOK at the footnotes and the ellipses (DOT DOT DOT) @Graham__Hancock intentionally mashes together sentences over 100 pages apart to create this story
Block quotes from Magician's Ch9 with citations placed in the text

I can do the same thing with @Graham__Hancock's books to tell any story I want. Seriously. Anything. It's easy Watch. These are direct quotes from Hancock's Fingerprints of the Gods and Magician's of the Gods with some clever placement of ellipsis (...) and footnotes 

Is Graham Hancock intentionally lying to you about the Edfu Texts I don't know. But this is a mistake that shows how terrible his grasp of real evidence is."

  Jason Colavito has written a more formal explanation of what Hancock gets wrong here in ignoring context.

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