Wednesday, 26 February 2025

Ariowie Słowianie Polacy. Pradawne dziedzictwo Międzymorza Mariusz Kowalski

         Happy Poles          

Mariusz Kowalski 2024, 'Ariowie Słowianie Polacy. Pradawne dziedzictwo Międzymorza' Biblioteka Wolności (in Polish)

Truly bonkers book  Description
The latest genetic research, combined with recent archaeological discoveries, is fostering new concepts regarding the history of civilization. Recent findings have shown that the Aryans, who founded the Indian and Iranian civilizations and became a symbol of European civilizational superiority, not only originated from the lands of present-day Poland (from a society that developed the Globular Amphora culture between 3000 and 2500 BCE) but were also, in genetic terms, most closely related to modern-day Poles.
A description of the first edition:
The book discusses the history of the formation of Eastern Europe’s distinctive characteristics and presents forecasts regarding its future. It explains the genetic and genealogical foundations of the region’s societal distinctiveness, as well as the geopolitical, civilizational, and cultural implications of these differences. It also illustrates the generational rhythm of transformations that have taken place over the past centuries. We hope that the information and reflections presented in this work will contribute to strengthening the self-worth of Poles, the inhabitants of the Intermarium region, and all of Eastern Europe, while also inspiring optimism about the future of our part of the world and European civilization as a whole....

It is pretty annoying to see the archaeology mistreated in this way eine hervorragend nationale Wissenschaft?

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